
  • 安徽雪銳龍冷鏈設備有限公司
  • 手機:18101353787
  • 地址:安徽省安慶市大觀區近圣街27棟
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高溫來襲 熟食柜設備為食品帶來“清涼”與安全

時間:2018-06-23 18:55 作者:admin







  With the increase of temperature, microorganisms are easy to grow and propagate, food is easy to corrupt and deteriorate, and the risk of food safety is also increased. Therefore, in order to eliminate the hidden dangers of food safety in time, the application of related refrigeration equipment is essential in addition to the special inspection of food safety in summer.

  1 cooked food cabinet

  In summer, more and more people are accustomed to buying some cooked food as dinner, such as duck's neck, clavicle, chicken, pig's head, pig's hoof, and bittern. But because of the high temperature and humidity in the summer, bacteria such as bacteria are easy to reproduce, and the cooked food has also become the "hotbed" of bacteria breeding, so the cooked food cabinet is also It has become the "magic weapon" for preserving cooked food, stewed vegetables and fresh meat.

  According to the different refrigerating methods, there are two kinds of cold and direct cooling on the market. The effect is to reduce the temperature by reducing the speed of the bacteria in the food and prolong the effect of the shelf life. Generally speaking, the electronic cabinet temperature controller is used in the cooked food cabinet to make the temperature inside the cabinet more precise. In addition, the air outlet of the microporous type is evenly distributed, and the temperature inside the cabinet is stable, thus ensuring the quality and safety of cooked food.




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